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VANESSA RUBIN | SAT & SUN MAR 8 & 9 | Showtimes Vary

March 08, 2025 until March 09, 2025

Saturday Showtimes 7:00PM & 9:30PM

Sunday Showtimes 6:00PM & 8:30PM

Endowed with the kind of liquid phrasing and sheer wisdom that come from depth of experience on the jazz performance campaign trail. Revered as a storyteller, jazz vocalist Vanessa Rubin possesses a voice hailed for crystalline clarity, hearth-like warmth and playful lioness sass. The Cleveland native brings a wealth of diverse influences to her vocal performance from both the Trinidadian/Caribbean roots of her mother and traditional jazz by way of her Louisiana-born father.

Rubin is the established torch bearer of the gifts bestowed upon the world from the likes of Sarah Vaughn, Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Foster. 

Ruben's trio is Brandon McCune on piano, Kenny Davis on bass and Winard Harper on drums.